TRWinProg is a Windows PC program for programming of TR devices. This means that all TR product lines such as rotary encoders, linear encoders, laser measuring devices, transformation measuring systems, displays etc. can be programmed with one software.
The communication between PC and TR device are carried out via the serial RS232 interface of the PC. For the conversion of the device signals (RS422/RS485) to RS232 signals a PC adapter is necessary, whereby also a potential separation between PC and the connected device is ensured and it can be realized longer distances.
TRWinProg supports also the connection of an infrared - COM-interface adapter according to the IrDA-1.0 standard. An external voltage supply for the adapter isn't needed, since the supply will be managed via the COM interface of the PC. The communication distance between the IR adapter and the device is in the range of 0 to approx. max. 200 cm and makes possible a simply programming without cable.